The Soundscape Festival is organised under the auspices of ENALA (European Network for Applied Landart). ENALA is an international project (started 2012) to create a hub for initiatives and stakeholders in rural areas and cultural landscapes from 2012 until 2014. It is coordinated and organized by three project partners of Croatia (Europa Nova Foundation), Germany (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences) and the Netherlands (Stichting Streekfestival Het Groene Woud) and is supported by the EU Culture Programme of the European Union.

Lost and Waiting-To-Be-Found

July 16 2013, 0 Comments

Járay Katica walked the land with an open eye for possible construction materials for the art projects: abandoned objects, stones, tree logs, and even some skeletons. Take a look!

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(c) 2013 ELANA / Europa Nova d.o.o.
Supported by DG Culture, European Commission violinl63188_fhole